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Jeff LeClere, a herpetologist with the Minnesota Department of
Natural Resources, holds an American racer snake Wednesday
morning his team
trapped and tagged. Alex Kolyer | MPR news
— In a sandy tract of grassland where the Zumbro River empties into the
Mississippi, Jeff LeClere wades in waist-high grass.
scientist’s visit to Weaver Dunes, is the latest foray to the area where
researchers have long studied turtles, falcons, bald eagles and other wildlife
LeClere isn’t looking up. Instead, he has his eyes open for reptiles that
slither in the grass. A herpetologist for the Minnesota Biological Survey,
LeClere is leading its effort to catalog Minnesota’s snake species and estimate
their population.
mission brought LeClere to the dunes in search of Porchy, a bullsnake, which is
one of a half dozen snake species he is tracking in southeastern Minnesota. The
region has the most diverse snake population in the state, with 15 of the
state’s 17 snake species. Minnesota is home to two venomous snakes, both
are on the decline but it’s hard to know exactly how much, LeClere said,
because of their stealthy nature.
that in mind, researchers have surgically implanted transmitters into snakes to
track them. So when LeClere came to the river bank earlier this week, he pulled
out a three-pronged antenna, connected it to a radio receiver and pointed it
different directions. As the receiver searched for a frequency emitted by a
transmitter, he listened for an electronic beep.
will let me know exactly where the snake it, which direction I should be
going,” LeClere said. “So, for instance, back where we were, over in this
direction, you still get the signal, it’s pretty faint. If I move the antenna
in this direction, the sound really picks up, that means she’s in this
nicknamed the bullsnake Porchy because she likes to hang out near the porch of
a nearby trailer home. Because she was on the move, LeClere followed her path
through an abandoned farm field filled with invasive grass and plants over
sandy and uneven soil.
snakes are in decline, he said, Minnesota’s changing landscape may account for
are a snake that needs large tracks of open prairie, which basically doesn’t
exist anymore because all that’s left of our prairie are small, fragmented
areas,” said LeClere, who has been collecting data for a year. “So when you get
to a place like where we’re studying these snakes and a couple of other areas
of the state that still have a decent amount of prairie left, those are worthy
of studying.”
snakes are worthy of study, LeClere said, because their disappearance from the
environment can have wider ecological consequences. Snakes are often considered
top predators and consume large numbers of insects and small mammals like rats
and mice.
they tend to have a bad reputation and a lot of people are scared of them,
often killing them.
misconception is that snakes will chase you. And I’ve heard stories where
people swear that snakes will chase them down,” LeClere said. “And believe me,
I’ve been chasing snakes all of my life and I’ve never had one chase me, so
we’ve had a few people who just vehemently do not like snakes and the probably
will never change their mind. But for the most part, people have been very
following the sound of Porchy’s transmitter for nearly 20 minutes, the beep
grew stronger.
spotted her near a gopher mound on the ground. She was clearly agitated by the
presence of human invaders.
with black and brown blotches, about 5 feet long and as thick as a tube of
toilet paper, Porchy weighs about two pounds.
LeClere bent to grab her, he noticed the snake’s glistening skin.
shed recently,” he said. “She’s got good weight. She’s nice and thick, means
she’s been eating well. This is good news because it means she’s behaving
a few minutes, LeClere put Porchy back on the ground and the snake disappeared
into the prairie.
job done, he pulled a clipboard from his backpack and began noting his
observations on the snake, its behavior and environment.
the project ends this fall, he hopes to provide reliable information to
wildlife manager and landowners about where snakes like Porchy feed, where they
nest, and how they move to help preserve an important part of the state’s